Join the zany adventure of three wacky chaotic brothers – Ziggly, ZigZag &Zoodle! It’s bedtime, but their parents are plagued by restless nightmares. In a whimsical twist, the tables have turned, and it’s up to the three comrades to become the ultimate dream defenders.
As the trio of fearless slumber warriors, it’s your job to fight off the spine-chilling horde of bedtime baddies and keep those dreams sweet and peaceful until the sun rises!
Tip: Only Ziggly can see incomming danger.
Let the strongest warrior shape our family’s destiny!
Tip: Only ZigZag can see Jester’s tricks.
Hurry before the circus begins!
Tip: Ensure You and your younger brothers are snugly snoring away in dreamland!
nightmare enemies
Defeat different types of nightmare fueled enemies! Each creature has its unique set of skills and mechanics, ready to disturb a good night sleep. But do not forget, that only the mighty warrior – Ziggly can see the roaming spine-chilling thrills.
about the game
The entire game was made for 2023 GMTK Game-Jam with the theme “Roles-Reversed”. The game had to be made in just 48 hours and fit the theme from a mechanics-based or a story driven point of view. I took a risk with a more in-depth take on the theme – instead of parents guiding their kids from nightmares, it’s kids who have to protect their sleeping parents from incoming danger! As well as, instead of the oldest brother being the bravest, strongest one, it’s the youngest – Ziggly!